Tuesday, July 9, 2013

More 2013 Predictions for Horse

Carrie emailed me and said, “I think I'm a Horse (6-6-1990). What can I do in 2013 to get a great job?”

Hi Carrie, you're a Horse/Gemini. I sense a lot of movement around you this year. I sense a job opportunity coming this summer. I suggest you sprinkle sea salt on your porch to clear away the negativity of the last year. Then dissolve some more sea salt in warm water and spritz it around the house (avoid spraying delicate fabrics) to clear the energy inside. Then burn a metallic gold candle to attract prosperity energy and more money.

Steve wrote to me and said, “what is in store for me in2013. My birth date in 02/14/1966”

Hey Steve, you're a Horse/Aquarius and your big year will be next year. In the meantime I sense that you have a strong ability to manifest what you want but sometimes you can't decide. This sends mixed signals to the Universe and brings poor results. I suggest you place a vase by your front door. Then start to gather things that represent what you might want. You might put in the name of the company you want to work for, or a heart for love, or a bank deposit slip with a million dollars written on it, or some coins from a foreign country to represent travel. If you can't find an object to represent what you want then write it on a piece of paper and put it in the bowl. As the bowl fills watch for people who come and offer you help getting what you want. Start this right away. You have several opportunities around you already. 

Want to know what the future holds for you? Check out 2014chineseastrology.com