Thursday, January 2, 2014

Snakes and Skin, Horses and Feet

January is the last month of the Year of the Snake. We will then move into the Year of the Horse.

When you consider the physical aspects of these animals, when we think Snake we think skin. The energy of this year would remind us to take care of our skin. Snakes are known for shedding their skin. They get a whole new skin. But for us we just have the one skin and so taking care of it is important. And when you think about the 12 year cycle of the Chinese Zodiac, this will be the last reminder we get to care for our skin for the next dozen years.

How do you take care of your skin?

Besides the usual stuff that most people do I like to use Aloe Vera on my skin. I love the healing qualities of Aloe and I think it has helped my skin over the years. I started using it regularly back in 2001 when we were in the previous Year of the Snake. Recently I've found Argan Oil which I really like. It's a lighter oil and I put it on at night and wake up with skin dewy soft.

What new skin care items did you start using in the Year of the Snake? 

Next month we'll be in the energy of the Horse. Then we will need to pay attention to our feet, ankles, and legs (including knees). And by caring for those parts of our body we will be in harmony with the energy and we'll help ourselves towards success. 

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